The CHIVAS ADVANTAGE Effect on College Recruitment
Every player that participates in the CHIVAS ADVANTAGE program is good enough to play college soccer. The issue here is that most parents and coaches don’t even know how this process works. Everyone would like to think that you attend a college showcase tournament and a coach approaches you with an offer (Not even close).
Our staff was educated on the process in a recent visit to meet the coaching staff at the University of Florida (UF).
From our friends at the University of Florida:
Showcase tournaments are just a name. If you invite college coaches, you can call it a showcase. You must attend specific tournaments. How many can a head coach at this level participate in a given year? 50 states, 250,000 players.
Secondly, before attending those tournaments, if you feel your daughter/son needs to be in the spotlight, you send an email to the coach of the University advising the coach that your daughter/son will be at a tournament in their area. You would love for him/her to come and watch. This email to the coach should contain academic and athletic information on your daughter/son and why she wants to attend that college. If possible you should send a video of your daughter’s/son’s gameplay. This is how it is done. Be sure to have your daughter/son play a role-taking initiative and ownership of this coordinated effort (it’s a great learning process).
How does CHIVAS ADVANTAGE play into this process? We will get your daughter/son to those tournaments, and their play on a top-level team will allow them to display their skills on a balanced field. The balanced field effect will make every other player on the team better. That is the video you want to send to the college.
Finally, our goal is to educate players and parents about the recruiting process, thus preparing their children for a smooth transition into college.
If agreed upon through a shared expense, we may be able to provide each player professional game film for families to edit and create highlights of their child to share with college coaches.
We are implementing website individual logins so that each player will have their page for recruitment purposes, including all pertinent information from educational grades and achievements to all athletic details, including complete bio’s, gameplay information, and yes, film if applicable.
And the CHIVAS ADVANTAGE Effect on College Showcase Tournament Preparation
Most players (if a player is fortunate enough) will have a college coach attend less than 15 minutes of their game before they move on to the next single prospect. In the CHIVAS ADVANTAGE effect, college coaches will be advised through CHIVAS ADVANTAGE staff submissions before the tournament that we have 16 to 18 players on the field with the same abilities and the same goals.
Your daughter/son needs to increase their visibility and raise their odds percentage-wise regarding this process. Being part of the CHIVAS ADVANTAGE roster of select players all on one field significantly increases those odds by making it easier for coaches to attend one game with multiple prospects. We will call this the CHIVAS ADVANTAGE 40 effect compared to the Club 400 effect.
Additionally, CHIVAS ADVANTAGE will schedule tournaments around major college campus towns. UF, Florida State, UCF, Univ. of Jacksonville, and Univ. of Miami, to name a few, and the potential of going out of state. The most important part of this college program will be to schedule campus visits for the team while at a tournament for a tour of the campus and a “meet and greet” with the coaching staff or current players on these top-ranked teams.
This is also why CHIVAS ADVANTAGE can be instrumental in the process and act as a conduit to college recruitment. The CHIVAS ADVANTAGE program will enhance your daughter’s/son’s opportunity for success.
The CHIVAS ADVANTAGE program means that you will be playing for one of the most impressive professional teams in the world. You will be wearing CHIVAS uniforms. You will be playing under the CHIVAS banner. You will be CHIVAS. Outside of CHIVAS themselves reviewing your gameplay, how do you think your college or professional resumes will look when you have CHIVAS USA ACADEMY as the team you have played for during your most productive youth competitive years.
Last year alone, CHIVAS ADVANTAGE staff were able to get two players from our local area tryouts with a MLS team just by making a phone call. Additionally, in the last 3 years, staff members have successfully guided 6 former players into college on soccer scholarships. Results speak for themselves.